Quality products for DAIRY FARMS
Animal nutrition | CCDrench™
CCDrench™ + Bio-Mos® + Sel-Plex®


Feeding supplement containing vitamins and minerals for dairy cattle to strengthen the defenses.
According to VO (EG) 1829/2003 free of genetically modified microorganisms.

CC Drench™ is a completely natural feeding supplement with vitamins and minerals for your dairy cattle. CC Drench™ is used for optimal strengthening of the immunne system and supports in stressful situations.

CC Drench™ contains:
  • Vitamin A, B-complex, D and E.
  • Trace elements such as copper, manganese, iron, zinc, jodium, cobalt and organically bound selenium (Sel-Plex®).
  • Yeast cell (Bio-Mos®) and calcium propionate.
  • Vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol.

Rapid absorption trough the “Drench”-Method.

CCDrench™ is available in 5 liter containers.

With the drench method the drenchgun is inserted between the cheeks and the molar teeth into the so-called oral vestibule. This way the solution (AgriDrench Calcium, AgriDrench Niacin or CCDrench™) directly flows behind the tongue into the esophagus so the cow cannot taste it. This ensures a stress-free and easy administration of forage supplements to animals.

Advantages of the drench method:
  • No irritation caused by the taste.
  • Less risk of choking.
  • No risk for the solution to flow into the lungs.

SUGGESTION: before inserting the gun into the cow's mouth, warm up the copper tube in warm water in order to not scare or irritate the cow!


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